Last Update -

Welcome to the Small, Small, World of the Nursery...
where Wild Life Orphans start their visit with us.

The pictures and stories on this page, are of the wild creatures we have this season. Please remember, though these animals are cute and cuddly, they are Wild Animals. They don't always play by the same rules and therefore can't be expected to behave the same as domestic animals. As they mature, there is generally a behavioral change. The once playful baby can become very aggressive and, in some cases, very dangerous.

Wild creatures should NEVER be considered as prospective Pets..... All of the babies on this page will be released back into the Wild when they reach a point where they can survive on their own.... Though this is not always easy emotionally, it IS the ONLY way to care for Wild Creatures......

Well, enough lecturing, let's get on with what this is all about.... Cute critters...... Introducing the.......

Class of

Click on Pictures Below For More of The Story.
The Triplets
Box Babies
No, It's Not a Rat!
Twins ??
Another Pair
Rare Treat
Arnold Swartzacoon
Florida Coon


Well, as 1997 fades into 1998 the Nursery's Class of 1997 comes to a close..... Because there never seems to be an end to the arrival of injured or orphaned wild babies, only the calendar can be used to determine the end of a Nursery Year....

As of this date, 5 Opossums, 2 Raccoons, 10 Grey Squirrels, and 6 Flying Squirrels remain in our full time care. Most will remain through the winter months and be released in early spring to insure the best chance of survival.... The physical condition of Arnie the Raccoon and one grey squirrel may prevent them from being able to survive in the wild and therefore may not be released.

Though all our little friends didn't survive, 14 Opossums, 5 Grey Squirrels, and 3 Raccoons are happy in the freedom of the wooded areas around our home that without human intervention, would not be alive today.

Dixie and I are rewarded for our efforts every day we see the squirrels playing in the trees and especially, each evening as the sun sets and the nocturnal opossums and raccoons gather on our deck for the nightly buffet .... Now that's what it's all about...

Dixie and I would like to express our appreciation to those kind people who found these orphans and took the time to find us. Because of your efforts, these babies of nature will have a fighting chance to survive.

If you find an orphaned or injured wild creature, and you have enough love in your heart to help, please 1st be very careful not to injure the animal further, protect yourself from scratches and bites, seek out a WildLife Rehabilitators, Veterinarian, The Department Of Natural Resources, or if all else fails, call the State Wildlife Department.

WildLife Rehabilitators generally specialize in one or two types of creatures. Please follow this link to my list of WildLife Contacts that can help you.

---- Our Other Pages ---- 
Home Page | Raccoons | Opossums | Squirrels | Cats
| Elephants | Links

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since June 2nd, 1997.