Tribute to a Friend

As we travel through this life, most of us have someone, or something, that we consider a "FRIEND". Nothing matches the joy and pleasure we share with friends. True friends give Love, Kindness, and comfort while asking for nothing in return.... Unfortunately, nothing can compare to the pain that comes with the loss of our friends. Two fellow rehabilitators, Paula and Carl Berube and their daughter, Katie, are morning the loss of such a friend......

Olive, short for Olive Oyl recently passed away... She suffered from the crippling disease of Rickets which made her un-releaseable .... Olive has been a constant companion for Paula over the past three years... Though she didn't live the full life of a free Opossum, she spent many hours in the classrooms of schools throughout Beaufort county.... Through Olive, hundred of youngster were able to gain a better understanding of some of Nature's wonders.... Most shared an experience they will carry with them for the rest of their lives.....

Though Olive is gone from their lives, her memories will always remain in Paula, Carl, and Katie's hearts..... Our sympathy goes out to them and hopefully their pain will soon give way to the memories of happier times.....

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